Bite my shiny, metal ass!
Everybody loves a sarcastic, galactically saavy, cigar smoking, prank prone, selfish, beer drinking robot. Enter Bender. Bender was his mothers 1729th son. His father killed by a can opener, Bender went on to college and majored in Bending and minored in Robo-American studies. This Unit 22 Bending Unit is proof positive that every desktop needs a tin metal, intriguing wind-up robot before it can be considered complete. Yep.
8.5" tall wind up die cast interactive Bender, from Futurama (fully licensed). Twist the antenna on top of his head and his expression will change from 'normal' bender to 'angry' bender. Perfect to fend off unwanted visitors. Optionally insert an included cigar into his mouth for those times when Bender just needs to mellow down. Bare Metal Metal Bender includes a can of Mom's Old Fashioned Robot Oil and a cigar! And arms articulate! Wind up key to make Bender walk inserts into side and is removable (his arms will also swing while in motion!). Open up Bender's ribcage compartment and see what's going on inside! Or just wind him up and let him walk all over your TPS reports. He doesn't care. He's bender, you new best desktop friend with an attitude.
But you can buy it at ThinkGeek Cube Goodies