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Home :: Toys :: Cube Goodies :: Tetrius Puzzle Game Magnets

Tetrius Puzzle Game Magnets

Tetrius Puzzle Game Magnets
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SKU SKU17523
Our price: $9.99 (7.49)

Puzzle Gaming for your Fridge

Bring some classic puzzle style gaming to your fridge or whiteboard with this set of seven colorful magnets. Perfect for holding up your TPS reports, carry-out pizza menus and notes to self to "play more puzzle games", these magnets fit together in a most pleasing manner. Just watch out for when you've stacked up all your pieces and are just waiting for that one long rod to clear four rows at once... when you realize these are only magnets.

Product Features

  • Puzzle gaming style magnets stick to most ferrous surfaces
  • Perfect for your fridge or whiteboard
  • Set of seven magnets
  • Each magnet approximately 1" high
This site is a demo site only. This product is not available for sale at our site.
But you can buy it at ThinkGeek Cube Goodies, this is where we took description from.
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