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Home :: Apparel :: Digital Angel [Product Options Demo]

Digital Angel [Product Options Demo]

Digital Angel [Product Options Demo]
(2 reviews)  

SKU SKU17525
Weight 0.50 lbs
Our price: $18.99 (14.24)
There are some people who can create beautiful digital designs like magic. You give them a concept and *poof* awesomeness happens. There's some sketching in Illustrator, a little fiddling in Photoshop or some tweaking in GIMP, and voila. These folks, whom we'll call Pixel Angels, also come with the ability to sprinkle magic dust over other people's designs to make them better. We always knew there was something otherworldly about these people; we've seen them before waving their magic wand tools about. You just couldn't see their wings... until now.

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But you can buy it at, this is where we took description from.
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(2 reviews)  

2 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Jun 14, 2011
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have been using the best shopping cart solution for my website since 3 years. There was not a single problem with xcart and now my business has grown to my dreams. I highly recommend x-cart to one and all who really want to establish their online ecommerce presence.

Advantages: good price

Disadvantages: no at all
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Jun 14, 2011
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Started out with a product called "Storefront" in 2002. It was a total disaster. I abandoned it for X-Cart in 2003 and have been running an X-Cart store ever since. It's been a great, full-featured program.

Advantages: I really like it!

Disadvantages: no at all
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