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LaQ Japanese Building Set

LaQ Japanese Building Set
SKU SKU17545
Our price: $19.99 (14.99)

Imported Geometric Building Nirvana

Here at ThinkGeek we can never seem to get our hands on enough construction sets. From Lego, to Capsella... Erector to Lincoln Logs, we love them all. That's why we were pretty stoked to discover this unusual LaQ construction set from Japan. The unique modular snap together system employs square and triangular panels with five different joint types to hold them together. You'll enjoy mastering the intricacies of the construction combinations available. The genius is in the simplicity, and soon you'll be building 3D geometric constructions Lego can't touch.

Choose from three different Models

Tyrannosaurus Set
Builds a T-Rex, Plesiosaurus and Ammonite. All white parts. 320 pieces

Triceratops Set
Builds a Triceratops, Mammoth and Allosaurus Head. All white parts. 320 pieces

Hamacron Set
Larger set with 650 pieces of various colors. Includes 18 piece wheel set to add wheels to your creations.

Product Features

  • Unique construction set imported from Japan
  • Innovative construction system uses square and triangular panels with five different joint types to hold them together
  • Build complicated geometric structures easily
  • Three different building sets to choose from
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