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Shock Ball

Shock Ball
SKU SKU17532
Our price: $13.99 (10.49)

One potato, two potato, three potato . . . FRAK!

History lesson, boys and girls; everyone take their seats. In 1539, people were bored and poor. One day, Filius Giles of North Southwesteasternshire thought of a great way to pass the time. He took a chunk of lead (called a "pohtaytoh" by blacksmiths of the time) and heated it up. Gathering some friends, he dipped the pohtaytoh in lard with his tongs and threw it to his closest friend. The lard began melting away as each person threw it to another, hoping not to get burned by the "hot pohtaytoh." Apparently, everyone had a blast, and the game has survived today.

And now Hot Pohtaytoh has evolved into the Shock Ball. The Shock Ball plays just like the classic game - with one major alteration. This ball doesn't want you to win. It wants you to drop it and lose. And to get you to drop it, the Shock Ball (as you probably have guessed) shoots out random electrical shocks (and lights up to make the experience more enjoyable). If you can hold onto the Shock Ball, you will quickly become the Shock Ball Champ. And everyone will know you have nerves of steel and a very unique hairstyle (you know, from all the shocks). Shocking fun for everyone.

The Shock Ball is approx. 2.5" in diameter,has an auto off function (for a modicum of safety), and uses 2 AAA batteries (not included).

Warning: The Product Emits An Electric Shock. Keep out of reach of children. Not suitable for those under the age of 14. This is a novelty item, not a toy. May interfere with electrical devices such as pacemakers.

This site is a demo site only. This product is not available for sale at our site.
But you can buy it at ThinkGeek Cube Goodies, this is where we took description from.
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